Feb 24, 1905 --
Thomas W. Witten, who has been ill for several weeks,
died at his home this week at the age of 84. He was the father of three
sons and four daughters; Dr. R. M. Witten, of Graham;
S. A. and T. A. Witten, living near Wittens Mill; Mrs. Ella Smoot, deceased; Mrs. Frank Howard,
Mrs. M. S. Ireson, Mrs. C. L. Huffard,
ADDISON PEERY was buried last Monday. He was 84 years of age and died at
the home of his brother, John Peery.
JAMES BEAVERS died at Maxwell on Tuesday.
MRS. ROBERT GILLESPIE -- Mrs. Robert Gillespie, formerly of Falls Mills, died
at the home of her son in law, Reese Luske, in Paris, Kentucky, last Sunday. She was about
60 years of age. She was a niece of Col. Joe Harrison and her husband is
a brother to George W. Gillespie, of Tazewell.
March 3, 1905
Judge OWENS, of Pocahontas, was a witness in court this week.
General Manager LONG is on the street again, having recovered from his recent
Edward W. DODD, well known (unreadable ...) on a visit.
He now lives at
Dr. R.R. GILLESPIE was called to Bluefield on Monday to the bedside of Mrs.
Dr. EASLEY, who is ill.
There will be service at the Stras Memorial church
next Sunday morning at
11 am.
W. Terry BOWLING, of Norton, was in town Tuesday on business.
G.W. COX of Gratton, was in the city Wednesday on business.
The Tazewell High School opened the Spring
term with 186 pupils.
Rev. O.E (or C.E?) ELMORE of Graham,
was in the city on yesterday. Mr. ELMORE has a large pamphlet now going through
the press in this office.
Mrs. A.M. BLACK, who is visiting at her home in Prince Edward County, is expected home about Tuesday.
W.L. BURTON, of Graham, is leading candidate for appointment as postmaster in
his town, was serving his county as juror last week. Mr. BURTON paid us
a pleasant call.
Rev. H.M. FUGATE, pastor of the Baptist Church, will hold services in the Christian
church next Sunday morning and evening. The public is cordially
Col. and Mrs. Jas. HARRISON have moved into the house
with their daughter, Mrs. H.G. McCALL, having sold
their home and farm to Buston and Sons, some
time ago.
Mrs. VERMILLION, wife of W.I. VERMILLION, the well known rockmason,
has been confined to her room several days of the past week with a severe
Mr. A.M. BLACK has just received a trio of black Langshan
chickens. the chickens came from the secretary of the
National Langshan Club, at
Greencastle, Ind. Mr. BLACKS former home.
Rev. R.E. ELMORE will preach at Pounding Mill next Sunday. (This Rev. is DEFINATELY
an R.E. Elmore, the one above either O or C.E - don't know if
it is the same person???)
Mr. E.W. DODD, formerly of this place, but now of Galax,
Va. was in town this week.
Judge HENSON last week re-appointed T.A. LYNCH a member of the county Electoral Board for a term of three years
from March 1st.
H.G. PEERY, of the Tazewell Supply Company, was absent from his store at North Tazewell the first of the week, caused by
Fielding RUTHERFORD has been appointed deputy commissioner under Jos. CROCKETT
for Jeffersonville district.
A.J. MCGUIRE, of Avondale West Virginia was in town Tuesday and called at the
News office. He ordered the News sent to his sister in Arkansas and
his brother in Texas. The News enjoys a large
circulation among Tazewell people who have moved to the Western states.
Mr. Henry STOWERS called in a day or two ago to have his paper changed from
Cove Creek to Pocahontas where he is now engaged in business.
The late Col. George W. MILES owned a life policy at the time of his death in
The Prudential Life Insurance Co of $10,000.00 and $25,000.00
additional scattered in several other companies.
J.W. WHITLEY and wife left Wednesday for Baltimore, New York and other Northern markets, where
Mr. WHITLEY will purchase his spring stock of
merchandise for his store at North Tazewell. While away they will attend the inauguration.
Some unknown person has been scattering some kind of poison around town and as
a result several dogs have died. Possibly the aforesaid poison
around town is a felony, with severe punishment - and fears for the dogs. Beware.
Capt. T.W. FUGATE was here yesterday and called to see his son Rev. H.M. FUGATE.
Paul BRITTS, son of Mr. BRITTS, of North Tazewell, who has been a student of the Virginia College, Lynchburg, is at home.
Mr. R.C. CHAPMAN returned this week from the northern markets, where he purchased
his spring line of dry goods.
Mrs. Annie PECK, daughter of Mr. A.M. PECK, of this place, visited relatives in
Bluefield last Saturday and Sunday.
There is much sickness reported in the family of W.H. ROSENBAUM at his home in
Burke's Garden.
Jesse PORTER, son of Robert PORTER, is ill at his home on Cavitts
Creek with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Jennie KITTS and family desire to thank the people of the community for
their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of husband
and father, J.M. KITTS.
S.R. ST. CLAIR and J.W. BATES, of the Clinch Valley Produce Company, of North Tazewell, called to see us yesterday. The
Produce Company is doing a
fine business in the coal fields. They pay the best cash prices for all county
Hampton and Hoback, the well known contractors, are
just finishing a number of cottages on lower Tazewell Ave. About six of the buildings have
been completed, and the others soon will be finished. All of the houses have
already been rented.
Mr. T.M. CUBINE has about completed his contract on the new Lutheran Church, and how well he has done, his work
shows for itself. Mr. CUBINE is
now ready to make other contracts for carpenter work of all kinds. He is a faithful
and efficient mechanic. Any one wanting building done would do
well to see Mr. CUBINE at one.
We failed to mention in the last issue of the News that Miss Mary COOLEY was
awarded the prize by the Wanego Medicine Company as
being the most
popular young lady in town, and Master Harrisson
HARMAN, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. HARMAN, the prize as the prettiest baby
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. A.K. BROWN, spent Saturday night and
Sunday with H.D. DUDLEY.
The entertainment given by the school at this place in the Union Church on 22th, in honor of Washington's birthday,
was quite a success and very much
enjoyed by all present. It was a very inclement night, but the house was crowded.
Mrs. Andy TABOR, who has been spending several months with her son, Mr. W.C.
TABOR, near Crump's Bottoms, West Virginia, has returned to her
daughter, Mrs. W.W. SADDLER, at this place.
Mr. John Will FINK went to Gary Saturday to spend a few days.
Misses Sarah ALBERTY and Maggie DUDLEY and Mrs. J.C. FINK,
spent Friday at the house of Mrs. Eliza DUDLEY on Mud Fork.
The School at this place closed last Friday and every one is sorry to see Miss Lue G. leave.
Mr. Charles CARTER of Wilco West Virginia was calling on friends and relatives
here Sunday.
Mrs. Cliff BUTT'S who lived on the head of Mud Fork and who died Thursday night
of pneumonia, was buried Saturday afternoon at Mr.
Mr. J.C. FINK and wife and son Raleigh, are complaining with something like
Mr. J.C. MEADOWS, of West Virginia passed through here Sunday enroute to Tazewell where he had a bill of Sprays for
Miss Nannie BROWN who has been teaching music on
Crane has been visiting her Uncle A.K. BROWN, and friends in the neighborhood.
She is trying to
get up a music class for this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MATHENA of Tip Top lost their baby girl yesterday morning.
The baby, 4 months old, died of croup. Funeral takes place today
at 11 am. There is much sickness in the community.
April 28, 1905 --
Isaac E. Chapman remains seriously ill at his home here.
Mrs. James Brooks is ill at her home on Mud Fork.
Dr. W. O. Neal, of Benbow, was in town
Fire broke out Monday morning on West Main Street in a house occupied by Charles
Campbell and before the blaze can be put out the house and Methodist parsonage
near by were entirely consumed.
Keemer Hall has about recovered from a recent
B. Gillespie, native of Tazewell Co. died at Pennington Gap on April 23.
He was a member of Company, 46th Virginia Regiment of Confederates.