Tazewell County, Virginia








Clinch Valley News Folder - 1915









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Friday, June 18, 1915


Mr. And Mrs. George W. LEWIS spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. A.J. RITTER.

Miss Barbara REYNOLDS is with her homefolks having spent the past winter in

Mr. & Mrs. Will BOWLING, of Boissevaine, were the guests of Mrs. J.H. BOWLING, Sunday.

Rev. W.W. ARROWWOOD preached an excellent sermon last Sunday at the school house at
3:30 pm.  A large audience greeted him.

Misses Louis PEERY and Martha LEECE are visiting friends and relatives at

Miss Rosa RITTER, who spent last week in town with Miss Ada LEWIS, returned home today.

Mrs. W.R. HALL, of
Winding Gulf, WV. Who is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. J.H. BOWLING, for the benefit of her health, is improving slowly.

Rev. J.H. BOWLING filled his regular appointment at Liberty Hill Sunday and was the guest at dinner of Miss Virgie BUNDY.

Miss Kate REYNOLDS returned home last week from a visit east, and was accompanied  home by Miss PENDLETON, a former school teacher here, who is her guest.

Miss Grace BOWER is the guest of Miss Mary BOWLING.


Mrs. H.M. KINZER is spending a few days with her son, in Bland.

Walker, the little son of Mr. & Mrs. S.N. SHAWVER, had the misfortune, while hunting last Friday, of getting his little finger shot on and arm shot at the elbow.  The accident is not serious.

Last Saturday afternoon, Miss Kate GILLIAM attended the Rebekah Lodge.  On her way home her horse stumbled and falling to the ground broke on of it's forelegs.  The young lady, however, escaped without injury.

Mr. & Mrs. Grat M. MULLINS motored the
Harrisonburg  Normal and Miss Cynthia REPASS left to attend the Normal at Radford.  We hate to have them leave, but hope to have them with us in the winter as teachers of the Shawver's Mill School.

Mr. & Mrs. John SHAWVER, of
Maryland, are visiting their relatives on Clear Fork.  They were called to Graham to see their brother, who is very ill.  Mr. Elbert RUBLE was also called to Graham on account of illness.

Mr. W.P. LEFFEL motored home from his work Saturday in his new Ford, which he purchased recently.

Mr. W.M. PRUETT is now at Richlands where he underwent an operation.  Reports say he is doing nicely.

Profs. H.M. EAGLE, of Burke's Garden and J.A. LESLIE, of
Northport, Ala., spent Saturday and Sunday at Dr. J.R. HICKS'. Prof. LESLIE will teach a twelve day singing school at Cove Creek.

Mr. L.E. LEFFEL is ill at his home near Shawver's Mill.


Mr. J.H. HUNT spent the weekend with his wife, who is under medical treatment at Honaker.  He found her improving slowly.

Mr. & Mrs. K.H. WHITMAN, of
Bluefield are visiting their parents this week.

Miss Pearle DANIEL is at home from the Radford Normal, where she had a very successful school year.

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh MOORE, of Tip Top, are visiting relatives in the Cove this week.

Mrs. J.S. MEADOWS is at home again after taking treatment at
Marion.  His friends are glad to learn that he is very much improved.

Miss Grace DANIEL left last week for
Lexington, Ky., where she will join Mr. & Mrs. RECORDS for Chicago. She expects to enter as a student in the University there.

Mrs. S.A. MURRAY entertained the Ladies Aid Society last Thursday.

Mr. Guy L. CARTER is expected here next Sunday to deliver a lecture to the Sunday School of the Christian Church.

Mrs. J.W. DANIELS is with her daughter, Mrs. J.H. HURT, at Honaker.


Rev. Mr. SPRING preached a fine sermon at
White Church Sunday evening.  He had a large attendance.

Mrs. Amanda WALK, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. V.L. Stephenson, of Tazewell, returned home Sunday.

Miss Bessie CROCKETT of Tazewell, is spending a few days this week with her friend, Miss Margaret BUCHANAN, at the home of Messrs. W.A. and Milton THOMPSON.

Oscar, the young son of Mr. & Mrs. Newton BUCHANAN, came near being seriously hurt here Sunday, when his horse reared and fell back with him.  He was badly shaken up and received a few bruises, from which he is recovering.  Dr. CROCKETT was called but soon found the boy more scared then hurt.

Mr. & Mrs. Will BOWLING and family, of
Abbs Valley, were visiting Mr. BOWLING'S sister, Mrs. Will HAGER the latter part of last week.

Our Sunday School is doing finely this year.  We have 131 on roll, and had 91 present last Sunday.

Mrs. Jennie TURNER went to Graham Monday. She may go to the eastern part of the state before she returns.

Rev. Mr. SHANNON the new Presbyterian preacher at this place, will fill his regular appointment at
White Church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.

Miss Lilla PUCKETT has been on the sick list for several days, but is able to be out again.


Mrs. Myrtle JOYCE, of
Portsmouth, Ohio, daughter of McTeer SAUNDERS, arrived several days since with her two little children and Mrs. WATTS, to spend a part of the summer.  Mrs. JOYCE went down to visit her sister, Mrs. J.D. FARMER, of Baptist Valley, and while there was afflicted with several severe attacks of gall-stone.  She is now at the home of her uncle, James MCDOWELL, under the care of Dr. P.D. JOHNSTON.

Charles SAUNDERS, who had been staying with his sister, Mrs. FARMER, left several days ago for
Texas.  He seems to be greatly pleased with that country.

Mrs. Polly GILLESPIE, wife of Rev. Jas. H. GILLESPIE, who had been sick for a long time with rheumatism, is somewhat improved, being able to sit up some now.

S.H. MOORE and Mrs. MOORE and children, were on a visit to Mrs. MOORE'S parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. WHITMAN, Horsepen, from Saturday of last week, returning home yesterday.

Rufus FRENCH and Wade NASH want the wheat growers to know that they have a brand new thresh box, and are prepared to thresh the wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, etc. of the community in short order.

Last week Miss Willie Claire MATHENA, of Tip Top, was married to Mr. Ed. DAWSON, of Richlands, at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. J.H. GILLESPIE officiating. We wish the young couple a happy voyage over the sea of life.

The talk of the Virginian railway building a line up Mud Fork, is not exciting the residents of our vicinity to any great extent.  We've all got used to the R & R's being plentiful now.


Mr. Rufus Schaub and Miss Verna Akers were married on last Monday at the home of the bride, in this town.  The groom is the proprietor of the Tazewell Steam Laundry here, and the bride is an attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Akers.  Mr. & Mrs. Schaub will make their home in this town.


Miss Nellie KELLY, of Burke's Garden, who has been attending school in Wytheville, returned to her home yesterday.

Mr. Clinton BARNES, who has spent the winter with his daughter, Mrs. MOSS, Burke's Garden, is here, the guest of his friends.  He looks well, eats well, sleeps well, and is feeling well.

Mr. H.J. SHOTT, editor of the Bluefield Daily Telegraph, and a number of the members of his family, were in Tazewell a short time Sunday afternoon on an automobile tour.  Mr. SHOTT and scores of other citizens of
Bluefield are much pleased with the progress Tazewell is making in road work, but are at loss to understand why they cannot get a cold drink here on Sunday.

A boy about twelve years old, giving his name as KELLY, was picked up on the carnival grounds Monday as a vagrant.  He is said to be from Coeburn, and came here with the carnival.  Sergeant THOMPSON has notified the police in Coeburn, requesting the boy's parents be notified, otherwise KELLY will be sent to reform school.

Mr. & Mrs. H.J. GILES, of Keystone, passed through town on Sunday afternoon, on their return from a visit to Mrs. GILES mother, Mrs. W. D. JONES, of Clear Fork.  Miss Rosa ELEXION, one of Keystones finest young women, was also the guest of the JONES sisters, Misses Dorothy and Lucille for several days.

Mr. & Mrs. J.W. EARNEST, and their little daughter, of
Salem, Va., have been on a visit this week to relatives and friends in Freestone Valley.  Mrs. EARNEST, was a Miss CALDWELL before marriage.  Mr. EARNEST is doing well in the stave business in Salem.  Before leaving he came by and entered his name among the elect.

Dr. and Mrs. HICKS, and their daughter; Charles M. and Mrs. COX, and their pretty baby; Roy JONES and his sister, Miss Lucille, of Gratton and Clear Fork; Robert MOSS, the tall oak of Burke's Garden, and Prof. A.S. GREEVER, President of the Tazewell Fair Association, were among the prominent visitors to the city this week.

Prof. & Mrs. GREEVER have enjoyed a trip to
Waynesboro, Va., Mrs. GREEVER'S old home.  She remains for a longer visit.

V.L. STEPHENSON received a letter from his son, Andy STEPHENSON, this week from
Honolulu, where young STEPHENSON has been since last September in the service of the U.S. Army as electrician.  The letter contained interesting information regarding the sinking of the American Submarine off Honolulu several weeks ago, in which the lives of several American's were lost.

Mr. & Mrs. L.W. BISHIP, Miss Laura WARD, the misses MOWBRAY, Miss May LYNCH, and Rev. Mr. SHANNON, made up a pleasant auto party from
Thompson Valley
and spent some time in the Cove last week.

Jo BOURNE son of  "Uncle Felix" GRATTON, was here one day this week.  He reported Mr. T.M. BOURNE, his uncle, as being in very bad condition.  He has very serious heart trouble, and his mind has also become involved in the trouble.  He has been confined to his bed for some time now.

Mrs. S.B. YOST, her mother, Mrs. W.A. BOURNE, and Miss CRABTREE, daughter of H.W. CRABTREE, all of Gratton, were here yesterday on business.