Tazewell County, Virginia
S.W. Waddell


Obituary was found in an old family bible belonging to Emeline (Waddle) Burress, who was born in 1861. 
The obituary was transcribed exactly as printed.  No dates were shown.  Submitted by
Sharon Baker Burress

S.W. WADDELL OF VA. SIDE SUCCUMBS, Well known Signal Maintainer of Poca Division Dies At His Home.  Had spent more than 30 years in N & W Service.

S.W. (Totten) Waddell, 53, well known signal maintainer of the Pocahontas division, died at 9:25 last night at his home on Virginia Avenue in Bluefield, VA.

Mr. Waddell, who had been in failing health for the past two years, has been bedfast for the last three weeks.

He had spent more than thirty years in the services of the Norfolk and Western but had not worked for the past two years.  He was a native of Bland county and was born August 31, 1884. 

Mr. Waddell is survived by his wife who was before marriage Miss Kate Caldwell.  His mother, Mrs. Josephine Waddell Harris, died October 18, 1936.

Funeral Arrangements will be announced later.